Thursday, April 30, 2015

Salesforce Agile Accelerator - Part 1

Systematically arrange your work by classifying them into catalog/categories using Product Tags. Take an example that as a business analyst you are working on a project that impacts multiple departments like Sales, Support, Tele business, Marketing etc. Team members will be divided to work on each areas. To differentiate your work and help the team to identify the work from the product backlog you can use unique product tags for each category. 

Create your Product Tags:

 While creating Teams you can directly type Product tag. Once you type the name and save the Teams form it will automatically save the name under “Product Tags” Tab.

I tried assigning a new product tag for an existing team which already has a product tag assigned. I received following error which means that Salesforce Agile Accelerator does not allow members outside the team to make any changes to the team once the team has an existing active product tag.

Click on the Product Tag to explore more options

Assignment Rule for Product Tags:
Assignment Rule will automate the work assignment for the teams based on the product tag. This may sound familiar like creating assignment rules for Leads in salesforce, the concept is very similar although creating assignment rules for Product tags is different and much easier in Salesforce Agile Accelerator.

Go to Product Tags tab-> click on the product tag-> click on the <<  and this should open a new window. If you would like to create a new Assignment rule then click on “Create New Button”

Please Note: Create New Button will not be visible for you, if you donot belong to a team that has the product tag assigned. For example I am logged in as SFDC Beginner.  I don’t see “Create New” option for product tags “1-2-3 Marketing Team” because I am not part of either the team assigned to the product tag. 

“Create New” button  is visible for “Tele business” product tag, because I am part of this team. 

For example, in 1-2-3 sfdc all the Production P1/High Priority issues should be assigned to a senior member of the team “Rico Penguin”.  

Assignment Rule:

Click on create new assignment rule, and fill the user names for assignee, product owner, followers etc..
Required fields to save the assignment rule are product owner and assignee. Once you hit save then you can customize the assignment rule with more options. 

Click edit on the assignment rule and observe the page. To make the work assignment more manageable, Salesforce has added more options to the assignment rule like who will be the assignee if the severity of the ticket/ user story is 1, 2 ,3 etc.

Salesforce Agile accelerator will prompt you to choose the team if you belong to more than one team.

Assignment rule concept is very similar to few ticket management applications, for example ‘Service Now”. In this application if an Incident is submitted with P1 Category the ticket is automatically assigned to the department and a notification is sent to higher management. Similarly in Salesforce Agile Accelerator when a work that belongs to this product tag will have severity 1 it will automatically assign it to the defined assignee and will send real time updates to the followers.

In the next post we will learn how to create Sprints in Salesforce Agile Accelerator.
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